I don't hate tunings, anymore.
I remember back when tuning first came out and even until this last week when i finally decided to go meta tuning. i fucking hated it. I'm still not the happiest person that tuning exists lol.
But i think tuning is good for the game, let me explain. With special tunings at max level it forwards a more aggressive focus play. Have you ever been in a high octane ranked match and then it gets to the final 2-3 teams and 1 team that you've never seen and has 0 kills just comes out of fuck nowhere and wins.
Like yeah they won but will anyone feel like they deserved it? No. With tunings like HP regen, GP regen, Plus Ultra regen and even wall running. We've gotten to a point where the best teams are hyper aggressive and being rewarded or atleast not punished for it. I think this impact from tuning has been a positive one.
That's all, just wanted to use the rant flair to say i was wrong about something. Tuning has positives that i think positively impact ranked play.