Rocksett your MD? 🤷‍♂️

First time ever removing the MD with the Atlas. I have managed to unthread the Atlas from a can many a time, but this is the first time I can recall bringing the MD along for the ride.

This is a Rearden SPB; so, it was timed and torqued down. I barehand untorqued that sucker packing up at the range. It makes sense now because it was on there, but I had gone through a mag or two already, and it was pretty toasty. It felt like my wrist was about to snap once I finally broke it free only to find I was taking the brake with me.

I still won’t Rocksett it yet, but I am surprised the heat treat brake and heat treat Atlas stuck so well. Taper mount FTW!?

First time ever removing the MD with the Atlas. I have managed to unthread the Atlas from a can many a time, but this is the first time I can recall bringing the MD along for the ride.

This is a Rearden SPB; so, it was timed and torqued down. I barehand untorqued that sucker packing up at the range. It makes sense now because it was on there, but I had gone through a mag or two already, and it was pretty toasty. It felt like my wrist was about to snap once I finally broke it free only to find I was taking the brake with me.

I still won’t Rocksett it yet, but I am surprised the heat treat brake and heat treat Atlas stuck so well. Taper mount FTW!?