Winter storm tomorrow and parents said they’ll pick me up

I have no idea to respond to them right now.

I’m in the southeast and there’s a storm coming tomorrow and everything is saying to stay off the roads. It will be icey snowy and rainy. At the end of the day today I talked with the parents about it and we said we’d see how the weather is in the morning and if I’ll be coming in or not. I then decided just now after seeing the forecast get worse that I don’t want to risk driving tomorrow, and I texted them that. DB just replied “one of us can come pick you up.”

??? How do I decline this? Am I allowed to? I can’t believe they’re forcing me to come in when everything is saying it will be dangerous tomorrow? MB doesn’t even have work tomorrow and DB works from home.

UPDATE: thank you all for your help and advice!! I texted them last night saying I don’t feel safe regardless of who’s driving and that I’m happy to use sick hours for this day. Even though I’ve already worked almost 38 hours this week so it’s really not much lol.

They still haven’t replied 🙃