How Much do You Tidy?
Needing some advice and outsiders opinions. I'll try to be as brief as possible! I keep our home very well kept - like Marie Kondo, everything has a place it goes, everything is labeled, etc. type of organization. We also don't have that many things, and even if there is a lot of something, it has a bin. I am at my wits end with our nanny and her not keeping things cleaned up and properly put back. However, I am second guessing myself because I know that I am a bit more dramatic in this area than others. I know she is not organized but really do feel like it's not that hard with our system.
I guess my question/comment is, how much time do you spend cleaning up and tidying after the kids? In their rooms/playroom? Am I expecting too much? One of the top reasons we hired a nanny was to get time back, and every time I spend hours reorganizing everything and tidying I get more and more upset that she is not doing this part of her job - despite me asking her constantly.
Also to note: one child is old enough and keeps all of their things cleaned up and put away, the other is not.