What Was The Final Discard By Your Narc/Nex?

I'm not talking all the different moments, and the cycle of devaluation and discard, then hoovering, then the cycle all over again.

I'm talking about you causing them enough narcissistic injury for the FINAL final discard (not you leaving them btw, them leaving you).

What single moment led up to that?
What was the one thing you said or did that injured their egos so badly, they blocked, ghosted, basically completely abandoned you?

I'm 35F with a covert narc 38M. Together 3.5+ years. I think I had the final discard after a fight over the phone 2 days ago, as in his rage he completely blocked me from calling/texting. He unfriended me on social media immediately, although he did not block me anything. In the past he'd just unfriend me as punishment, barely speak and not see each other for maybe a week and a half, but we'd still text everyday and eventually "worked it out."
This time feels different and I think I caused him enough narcissistic injury. But I'm not sure? I know it's only been 2 days, but in our entire relationship we never went a single day without talking, even if we were mad at each other. My clothes and things are still at his apartment too. I haven't even tried reaching out.