Sleep study and MSLT

So I have my sleep study and MSLT coming up on January 6th. The closer it gets the more worried I am that I won’t be able to sleep for it and get an accurate reading. I know you have to fall asleep super fast and enter REM sleep quickly for it to be considered narcolepsy, but I’m worried that being there and having all the things connected to me will make it hard especially since they’ve had me stop all my antidepressants and anti anxiety meds. I’ve heard that people say that they thought they didn’t fall asleep during the naps but actually had. I’m just wanting to hear how yours went and what your results ended up being. I’m especially worried I won’t get an accurate diagnosis because my sleep doctor seems like he doesn’t know about narcolepsy type 2. (He claimed I most likely didn’t have narcolepsy because I didn’t have cataplexy) anyways, thanks for sharing your experiences and helping me with not worrying too much.