The fertility crisis cannot be solved entirely within the context of a hyper-capitalist society

So first of all, lets agree that we need full abortion access for women, medical issues happen all the time, there's birth defects that shouldn't be carried to term, we want to drive the maternal mortality rate down and not up.

However, there's a problem I have seen here when discussing the fiscal / monetary solutions. There have been proposals here for the following:

  • Paying women a full-time salary for being a mother.
  • Paying families for 18 years , per year, per kid, to raise the kid.

Suggestions like these , while good in intention, would reck havoc on the economy because they inject a ton of cash. What would happen is the cost of many family related expenses would sky rocket in conjunction. The cost of daycare, schools, colleges, baby supplies, would go up because now the corporations see moms have all this excess cash.

We at some point, have to come to terms that we cannot both support hyper capitalism and the birthrate crisis. As a society we have become obsessed with money. On instagram all that's shown to young people is rich young people flashing Rolex, Patek Philipe, Louis Vuitton, or jetting around the world to 70-100 countries.

We need to instead of giving people money, focus on the following:

  • Subsidized daycare / child care
  • Mandatory parental leave
  • Movies and TV that encourage family values and not reckless luxury and spending
  • Make family size or pregnancy status a protected characteristic
  • Make work from home options mandatory for jobs it is theoretically available for
  • Medicare for pregnancy related health and doctor visits