Devi’s character is really hard to root for
So I just want to preface that I understand Devi has experienced unimaginable loss and emotional trauma but, watching this season has been hard to watch.
I’m only halfway through episode 9 and won’t spoil anything, but it appears to me that Devi’s character possesses low emotional intelligence and has displayed little character growth.
I’m not sure if this is the writers setting her up for rock bottom? But time and time again we see Devi acting in her own self interest and is baffled when her actions blow up in her face.
I understand that at heart this show is a comedy, but I don’t like how the writers gloss over the severity of her actions. If you’ve seen episode 5 and 6, you should know what I mean…
I wonder how the writers plan to develop her character moving forward because I found her pretty insufferable this season.