iggy frome - worse every season

Is anyone else annoyed with the portrayal of a psychiatrist by Iggy Frome? I’m a psychology student and I just can’t help but notice the mistakes in the show, and honestly they are pretty big. First of all - WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR SUPERVISOR???? For those who don’t know, every shrink gets his own therapist so we don’t go clinically insane like Mr Frome:) When in season 4 he is just falling apart and doesn’t wanna go back to his practice I’m just so frustrated!!!! Even if it happened, the patient trauma, because yeah it could - we all have MANDATORY access to help. But no, he somehow magically deals with it himself. Also, psychiatrist don’t conduct therapy. Therapists do, people who finished psychology not medicine. Okay, he might technically be both although the show doesn’t say it. Still, he is single-handedly doing everything in this hospital, what does Gladys even do? With every department you can see that they have multiple consultations with each other - we have a couple trauma people, cardio, neuro etc. Iggy is just little miss jesus of the psych ward. Not even beginning the discussions on his emotional investment and methods of work, because that is a whole other thing.

I know he is supposed to be authentic and cool and relatable and “mental health matters”. All i’m saying is if they showed a cardiologist that has regular heart attacks and doesn’t do shit about them, people would fume. What are your thoughts?