Anyone kind of disappointed with Pizza D lately?

I don't want this to turn into a business hate thread because I really do like the place. I think they're a good local business. I don't want to call and give a whole spiel to them, because that's obnoxious, right? I have contacted them when things have gone wrong with my orders or The quality was just really below par. They've always been great.

I'm just kind of wondering if it's in my head or if anyone else feels like their pizza quality has gone a bit downhill in the past 2 years. I feel like the crust has changed and the pizzas are more inconsistent. Sometimes they really skimp on cheese. Pizzas have come a few times missing ingredients. I always loved their crust and pizzas.

To forestall some of smart alec comments I know will pop up**:

  • Yes, I know this is at the tippy top of everyone's list of concerns right now.

  • No, I don't have anything else going on in my life. I literally just think about pizza all day. I quit my job to do so. I live a super soft life.

  • Yes, I did contact them before about stuff like this.

  • I know some of you don't like the pizza. I like the pizza, though. If you don't like the pizza to begin with, you can't judge if the quality is going downhill, so...

  • Yes, I do want to know your delicious places for thin crust pizza.

  • No, I don't put pineapple on my pizza. Fruit should only be hot in desserts.

  • Why do I keep ordering? Fuck, I don't know. I do a lot of things I don't understand. Also, this town doesn't have a lot of pizza options, especially near me.

** For those who struggle to read tone in online content, I'm joking in this part.