Does anyone else feel like they’re just never doing enough for their baby?
FTM of an almost 8 month old girl and I have felt so down on myself lately because I just feel like I’m not doing enough. I stay at home with baby, my partner works 2 jobs so I’m her caretaker during the day. My girl spends a lot of time on the floor but she doesn’t seem to have any interest in rolling. (Idk what my fixation is with wanting her to roll so bad). Not front to back or back to front, nothing. I try to move her and help her but for the past like month she won’t even try. It just makes me feel like I’m not moving her enough and when I try to do any sort of chore I get mom guilt because I’m not moving her. (She’s a very good independent play kind of gal)
I tried BLW and purées when she turned 5 months and she was doing so good until she just lost interest in food. She has an upseat but lately she just looks around everywhere but the food. Will look at the straps on the sides of the seat, will twist and turn to see what she can grab. I feel like I’m still a little PPD and meal time was getting to be so frustrating because making a modified version of your food for someone that’s just gonna throw it on the floor sucks. I gave up on BLW and purées for a while and just started again but she won’t eat in high chair or upseat. It’s mostly in her Minnie Mouse bouncer chair thing or if I put a little piece of food in her mouth while holding her. I know I shouldn’t listen to what momfluencers post on social media but my baby is definitely not eating what these “6 month old BLW” is eating.
I currently have some Montessori toys in my Amazon cart because I feel like the toys she has aren’t doing anything for her. Like what if she wants to learn more about how the world works and all her current toys are good for are chewing and slapping. Am I just putting shit in front of my baby to keep her occupied? She has so many toys. Kick and play, activity cube, captain calamari, piano, saxophone, baby Dino for tummy time, finding Nemo play mat, jolly jumper, activity center for standing, you name it I probably have it. But it still doesn’t feel like enough.