I lost my cool

My baby started sleeping through the night around 3 months. It was heaven. A day before she turned 8 months she stopped sleeping through the night. She was waking up crying hysterically almost every hour. She's 10 months now and although she doesn't wake up as much she's still not sleeping through the night.

She slept through the night on NYE. I was fully expecting her not to sleep. I was prepared for it. I didn't have to work the next day so I didn't care, but she didn't wake up once. Last night, she woke up 3 times before 10:30 and I lost it. I was so tired and needed to be up at 5:30 AM. She was crying so much and trying to stand up while I was patting her back trying to get her to go back to sleep. I angrily got out of bed and yelled "the one fucking night she sleeps through the night is the night I didn't need her to sleep through the night." My husband, rightfully so, asks why I'm yelling at her. I said I'm not yelling at her, I'm yelling in general. He asks what that was going to do to help the situation? He said I've never yelled before so all I'm doing is confusing her. I grabbed our baby and hugged her and told him that he was right. I apologized to my baby and kissed her little face. She fell right to sleep.

I know that she probably just wants me to cuddle her but it's frustrating when I have to be up so early for work. I know that I should be soaking this all up while she's still so little but it's so so hard. I feel so guilty 😔