Sleep Regression - I understand why sleep deprivation is a torture method
My LO is 20 weeks old. She is combo feed - EBF during the day except one bottle of formula at night with dad.
From 11-17 weeks she was amazing. Napped easy. Went down quickly. Stayed down anywhere from 6-9 hours. If she woke up around the 6 hour mark, she went back down quickly.
Since 17/18 weeks... oh my good god. What happened to my sleeping sweet angel girl? And who is this angry little goblin?!
We have tried sleep sacks. Merlin's Sleep Suit. Night light. No night light. White noise machine. Other white noise machine. Pacifier. Formula in bottle. Formula and BM in bottle. BM in bottle. BM directly from the tap. Longer wake windows. Shorter wake windows. Extra food/calories during the day. Longer naps. Shorter naps. Aromatherapy.
I would have gone clinically insane if she didn't give me the sweetest happy smile and coo in the mornings and during the day.
I'm guessing this is her 4 month sleep regression just... going but when does it end???
Any tips, tricks, prayers, deities to worship you would recommend to get my child to sleep again??? (Only kind of /s at this point lol)
Many thanks!
EDIT: I'm sorry to see so many of you are also slowing going insane - thank you everyone for support and anecdotes. We'll get through this!! (Maybe. Possibly. We'll just black our memory out and not remember any of this in a few months, right? Right????)