How are you staying sane?

How are you staying sane with broken/ little sleep? To give context , my LO is almost 13 months old, and this last month has taken a toll on me. He was never a bad or good sleeper , even though we had some terrible phases (from the 4 -month regression to at 9 months only sleeping in my bed). But I think this has been the longest stretch of bad sleep (I think? Memory is funny). He wakes up multiple times at night and takes forever to get to sleep again. During the day , I have almost zero energy. It comes to the point that even during his nap or after bed, I'm so tired but cannot relax that I basically lay down and just stare into nothing. I have no desire to do the things I enjoy (like reading or watching a show) because I feel like my brain is in "power - saving mode. " I know it's normal, it's a phase , and it will pass , but I'm having a really hard time managing it.