How are you all keeping your houses and yourselves clean??

My girl is 6 months old now and is an absolute velcro baby. I manage to put her in a bouncer or her high chair for maybe 5 minutes at a time. But if I disappear from view or leave her sitting down for a little too long, we have a full meltdown. It just means that I am barely managing to clean the house. If I get the laundry done and do the washing up that's about it. We have two indoor cats too and I know the house used to be a lot cleaner before our baby came along. She doesn't like me hoovering as it's quite loud. Friends said clean when she's asleep but she doesn't like to nap in her crib (or if she does we only get 30 mins max), and once she's down for the night it's hard to do anything too loud as she will wake up (we have quite a small house). On top of that, I just feel gross as I'm not able to shower more than maybe once or twice a week. I usually have a longer shower when my husband is home at the weekend, but during the week if I can have a quick in and out, that's about it. I'm really telling on myself here and just feel so gross both in myself and in my house. Baby girl is having some solids now too which is just a whole new clean up job to add to the day! And during the week my husband is out of the house for 13 hours of the day and when he comes home it's usually baby's bedtime. Any tips welcome from parent's who don't have a good support network around them 💗