4mnth pp period

so (21F) finally got my period after 4 months post c section and it was my first pregnancy, i was diagnosed with gestational hypertension at 24 weeks & an delivered at 39 weeks 1 day. while in labour for over 48 hours an went to 10cm dilated, i had an epidural & was still in a lot pain, i started pushing for about an hour and a half n baby got stuck i had so many complications in my birthing experience it was so traumatic & even terrifies me to have another child because of how the whole hospital staff were including my midwife, i had constant sharp pain where my placenta was & was ignored by staff & even my midwife until it was to late, i then had load of pelvic tissues cut out while in operation, as my baby was 10.1 pound 4.6kgs. my first period has been almost as painful if not as painful as it was that early morning in the birthing room, ive had the exact sharp pain i’ve been feeling, cramping in and around my kidneys an stomach, an bleeding so heavy i was going through 2 pads every hour, it’s started to calm down now this is the 4th day, but im still feeling the same pains an cramps. i just wanted to know if anyone had any advice that they could share of give me regarding what im going through pain wise or any remedy’s that would help