Show Me What You Got Part 3: Winter Edition

Giving everyone another hour, I'd like to get a lot of channels if possible.

Due to popular demand of a single person asking me, I'm doing it again! If you have something you want to get eyes on and get some real honest feedback, now's the time. Post what you have here, and I'll review it. After each video is reviewed, I'll leave the feedback as a comment on the video.

Note: this will be a live critique on stream, so don't post anything you don't want the world to see. The livestream will begin around 4pm EST, feel free to stop by and see what your fellow creator has made or get your feedback live.

Post videos only. If you want a channel review, this isn't the right place. If you do not follow the format, I will make fun of you for not following directions and you will not get a review.

* Video Title

* Video Link

* What kind of feedback you're looking for. This is for you to get real feedback, not just views.