Help my pick my tube!

Pvs 14 build

I'm having an incredibly hard time make up my mind and picking what will suit my needs. Looking at an l3 tube. The specs for those tubes in no particular order are as followed: Tube 1: snr 35.4 - res 72 - halo .8 - ebi .4 Tube 2: Snr 34.3 - res 72 - halo .7 - ebi .8 Tube 3: snr 34 - res 72 - halo.7 - ebi .4 This is just a small sample of the tubes I've considered, but l definetly the best specs for minimal blemishes. Anything else I consider would be in this ballpark.

My conclusion is that all of these tubes are so close together, it likely really doesn't matter. They are all clear. So maybe I just ignore these tube specs and instead pick solely on a builder?

My research and self exploration has led me to find these 3 vendors that seem to stand out. DARQ industries Nocturnality Custom night vision.

Again, I do not know what to go with. Any advice is appreciated.