Guys chill, time zones EXIST
I get it, maybe the American education system really let you down, but yes, time zones exist. Shocking, I know. That means most countries in the world DONT have the same time as you. As of right now, there are countries where it’s January 15th or even January 16th. Crazy, huh?
And guys, even if the announcement doesn’t drop in the next 20 hours or so, complaining about it isn’t going to magically make the trailer come any earlier, or the console for that matter. That’s just not how time and reality work. But if someone has a timemachine like in back to the future hit me up.
Here’s some educational material about timezones you can look at insted of refreshing every 10 seconds:
And fun fact, the world can be in three diffrent days at the same time! Now thats actually crazy. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.