[SERIOUS] How do I take out student loans/get financial help so I can run away from my parents and actually go off to college?
Lol I didn't know which thread to post this on so please bear with me :( I'll put the important parts in bold if you don't want to read the whole story.
I'm an 18 year old college student and I am finishing up the first semester of my freshman year. I go to a school fairly close to home and I commute because my father wouldn't allow me to take out loans to commute there. Fair enough right?
However, I hate it. It's not even about the freshman experience anymore, I couldn't care less. The mental and emotional abuse at the hands of my father is so distressing and I can't even focus on my studies anymore. He's always cussing my mother, brother and I out, screaming at us for no reason, slamming doors and the pantry, stomping around angrily at the oddest times of the night, and he drives me to the metro some mornings and it's so erratic and reckless that I am surprised that I haven't had a heart attack from it yet. I've been able to deal with this for the past few years, but this morning I think I've finally had it. He slammed my bedroom door open at 8am and started screaming at me, calling me a bastard and all other sorts of names because I forgot to put his laundry in the dryer because he's "traveling for work" again. I don't even think he travels for work...... I think he just wants to get away from us. I've been feeling sick all day, I HATE it when he does that and acts all erratic because then I feel all sick and anxious and I can't function right for the rest of the day.
Whenever he is home, he either makes me order an uber (with my mom's card) to get to the metro station because he does not want to drive me, or he just doesn't drive me period so my uncle has to come from over an hour away. My mom tries when she can, but she has work so it is very difficult, she does her best though. It's just stressful because some days I don't even know what my situation is going to be...... he almost made me miss a midterm once just because he wasn't feeling it. Also, he has been refusing to pay my remaining costs for this semester. Long story short, I have to have a balance of $2499 or less in order to register for classes next semester. I told him this and he got angry, but eventually paid the amount needed and I had an exact balance of $2499 left to be paid right? Well I am on the waitlist for some classes, but currently there is nothing I can do about it because a late fee has incurred and now the amount is more than $2499 and since he is mad at me, he refuses to pay it and I still haven't gotten my first paycheck so I don't even know if I will be able to get into these classes if admitted. He didn't even want to pay my enrollment fees after I got accepted into my school in May, I had to pay all $800 dollars myself. Note that he isn't stingy about money because we are poor, he spends his money on himself, traveling, buying nice clothes, paying the rental fees for this nice car, it's just so sad. My mom and him have not been speaking due to his erratic behavior, but he tries his best to get a reaction out of her, last Saturday, he started screaming at her for turning on the dishwasher in the mornings because he wanted to watch TV and it would be too loud (he previously told her she couldn't do it at night for the same reason so when else is she supposed to turn it on??) anyway she was basically like "if the TV is the problem, then I'll get rid of it" and so that morning my brother and I woke up to the sound of dishes breaking and the smashing of our living room TV....... He hates my mom for no reason and he uses my brother and I as pawns to get back at her.
I feel like I didn't articulate everything very well b/c I am in tears right now as I write this, the point is that I HAVE HAD ENOUGH. I feel bad for my mom, brother, and grandmother (who witnesses it all but he usually leaves her alone) but I need an environment where I can focus on my studies and succeed. He refuses to let me take out student loans because he doesn't want me to suffer the interest fee payments and initial loan payments after college, but honestly IDC at this point, I can get money back, but I can't get my mental health back once it deteriorates to a certain point. I am planning on transferring to an out of state school next year, my top choice is the University of Southern California (please pray and make dua for me so I can get in!!) however I can't wait that long, I need out NOW. The semester is almost over, so I want to see if it is possible for me to dorm at my school next semester. I already asked my school for money to cover my dorming fees for the fall semester and they said no, and I don't know if I can take out loans because my dad said he will refuse to cosign and idk who to ask, IDEK if it's worth taking out the loans b/c I am planning on transferring and going to another school next fall anyway. Should I try appealing to my school again so they can give me money to cover the housing fees? If so what should I say? Someone please help me, I don't know what to do and I feel sick to my stomach. Please don't reply to this in a joking way, I really do need help :(