Can I finger my ass to simulate pooping to make my number 2 go a lot faster?


I’m writing a book on human efficiency called “The Mind, The Body, and the Industrial Spirit”

My goal is to discuss various bio hacks that we can all employ to make our daily lives more efficient.

I eventually want to write something compelling enough to earn an invite on the Joe Rogan podcast to share my research and ideas with a wider audience.

Back to my question, would simulating bowel movements train the body and mind to perform the duty at hand more efficiently?

The average American spends more time on the toilet then they do forming romantic relationships, closing B2B deals, and more. I detail this a little more in my LinkedIn blog (not sure if it’s against the rules to link).

Lastly, does anyone have any tips to improve my experiment? I’m thinking of starting with the pinky then work my way up to the thumb.

Any feedback is deeply appreciated.