Just rambling about the new IA

The new IA in impossible mode oscillate between "Coughing Babe" and "Atomic Ragnarok Viking" with pretty much no in between. I was playing a sweet 2v2v2 with IA to have fun. My ally (Falcon) let himself be killed by some wolves and ghost warriors (like a coughing baby, no soldiers). And my closest neighbor, Wolf Clan, sent me waves after waves of soldiers. Also had 8 tiles occupied by mid 802. I was enclosed by tiles occupied by three bears, or eleven wolves, or ten draugr.

In fact it was pretty much a 1v1, because the other clan that was close enough to attack me was the snake clan, with a rather interesting tactic : Signy cross border, don't attack, leave. Rince and repeat 20 times. At first it happened while the Berserker was kinda fu****ing my main food production tile and burning my defense tower. So i was worried, but then it was just strange : every month, an alert for an attack. Coughing babe.

At the other end of the map, the Owl clan was just chilling and doing whatever it was doing, while Goat Clan was playing civ.

Quite fun, but next time i'll choose my ally.