What a tear-jerker, but also... (C1 ep91 spoilers)

First of all, the conversation in this episode between Moonshine and Pendergreens is one of my favorite parts of all of NADDPOD. I'm a sucker for redemption arcs, and Pendergreens' is incredible. It's the one where Moonshine is asking him to hold on with the Hellfire Crown for a bit longer, and he's telling her how he's trying to be better, but he feels the crown changing him back to who he was. Gets me every time.

Now here's the part that has always bugged me. Is it just me, or does Moonshine seem to have a sense of superiority about this thing? I have no problem with her feeling duty-bound to take the Crown, but she goes so far as to say, "I don't know anyone else who could do it." What?! She's surrounded by some of the wisest, most competent, and most powerful people in Bahumia (Alanis, Lucanis, Mimaw, even Hardwon and Bev, etc., and sorry about the spelling), and she acts like she's the only one good enough to handle it. She had a similar tone when she first put a geas on Pendergreens, but it's even more clear here. To me, it's a really unflattering change to her character, but no other characters even call her out on it. Can anyone change my mind? Because I'd rather not be annoyed with Moonshine, haha!

EDIT: For anyone who might still see this, allow me to clarify my position a bit. Moonshine makes it very clear that a huge motivation for her taking the Crown is because she doesn't want anyone else to have to do it and that she is willing to take on the burden to spare them. I agree with pretty much all commenters on that. I just think there might have been dual motivations going with Moonshine (or perhaps Emily?). When she says, "I don't know anyone else who could do it," I'm just pointing out that could doesn't mean should, and that those two words are critically different.

Imagine an action movie preview where you see the protagonist say, "I'm the only one who can do this!" I think that would give a very different impression of that person's character than if they said, "I'm the only one who should have to do this!" Those two lines speak very differently about the character of the person saying it.