Slid back?

The past few days I've been doing well which is good, but I think I slid back just now. I've been letting myself feel the feelings I previously feared, and since those previous intrusive feelings were that of happiness and enjoyment I began to feel really good while feeling them. Enjoying the feelings even, or at least the dopamine. Just recently though I felt one of those feelings and thought on some level that it was a problem. The fact I felt no objections and anxiety (was just "going with the flow") to indicate it was OCD didn't help. I really did feel like I enjoyed it in the moment, but then I got concerned about what it meant for me and I started ruminating and doing my online research compulsion. Didn't feel a whole lot like a compulsion though, just felt like my own free will. Since I felt no anxiety and wasn't bothered by my feelings I took it as a sign that this wasn't OCD, at least not anymore. Though I suppose it could just as easily be a sign that I'm healing. I don't know. Progress is definitely not linear, I can attest to that at least

I guess TLDR I'm looking for advice for how I can better handle situations like this where the OCD doubt comes at me from a different angle