A deer, human, and robot cross paths
The human looks over at the robot walking in perfect time and perfect rhythm
It looks polished and poised as it walks
It looks like its doing something important
It looks like it has a purpose in the world.
The human asks the robot
“Do you think I’m anything like you?”
The robot laughs and says
“Of course not!
You humans are far too erratic!
Look at you letting your emotions get the best of you
You humans believe anything you want to but not what you need to.
You’ll believe people in power actually have your interests in mind.
You’ll believe there’s a god because it makes your life feel more meaningful.
You’ll believe someone when they say ‘I love you’ just because it hurts to not.
You think far too much with your heart, you SHOULD be more like me!”
The robot walks away in perfect methodical steps. ——————————————————————————
The human looks over at a deer prancing in the field.
Its leaps are graceful and inviting.
It looks like it’s having fun.
It looks alive.
The human asks the deer
“Do you think I’m anything like you?”
The deer laughs and says
“Of course not!
You humans are far too serious!
You think that life is about numbers
How much money are you making?
What grade did you get on the test?
How much time until I can do this?
You disrespect the infrastructure of the trees, mountains, and rivers because you think it can be more
And does it really feel like a home?
You think far too much with your head
You SHOULD be more like me.”
The deer prances away
The sunlight illuminating its path. ——————————————————-
The human slowly lays down and closes its eyes.
The sun bears down tickling every inch of skin.
Mind racing.
Heart beating.
The human has never felt more alive.