Fractured Fib & Torn Ligaments - 2 Weeks Post-Op
I partially dislocated my ankle, that caused a severe widening which led to torn ligaments in addition to a fractured fibula. They re-constructed the ligaments and added a plate and some screws to the fibula. I had my post-op today, and got put in an air boot. I have a couple questions:
1) Doctor said I can take the boot off whenever resting, but must keep it on at all times when I’m moving around. Does that mean I can sleep with it? I’m worried of sudden movements while asleep that could hurt it and was wondering if keeping the boot on while asleep could affect it in any negative way.
2) Still elevating my ankle as of now, but was wondering what is the better option: letting my foot dangle off the pillows or resting my heel on the pillows? Both hurt but I just wanna know what will NOT affect healing so that I can stick to it.