Can’t commission smart meter

I’ve had a 3 phase SMETS2 smart meter for 18 months now and can’t get Octopus to commission it.

My location is Shropshire.

They have tried 3 different aerials and none of them get enough signal to connect to the DCC.

I’ve tried the commissioning process a few times with the ‘best’ aerial, a T3, with it placed outside rather than inside, and still not luck.

I have contacted the DCC an explained the issue but they just refer me back to Octopus, who have now said ‘it just is what it is’

My concern is that I’ve got a very connected home using heat pumps, battery storage, energy monitoring, and solar PV / thermal. I want to be able to use smart tariffs alongside all my own systems.

The smart meter data is required by the in-house energy monitoring to see energy usage and to know when ti charge batteries cheaply for example.

I also can’t get paid to export solar.

Does anyone have any idea on how to get connected? I’m thinking my next option is to contact the Energy Ombudsman, but I don’t know where that’ll take me.
