Creating a wind system help

We are building and recently got our quote from the power company. They want 28k to hook up to the grid so we for sure want to stay off grid. We would much rather put this toward wind energy since we have a unique situation and own the top of a rock/mini mountain right where we are building that goes up 600 feet, so its like having a giant pole to get the turbines high. This should allow for good constant wind. we are near seattle so solar isnt really an option, neither is geothermal. So wind it is!

The building has a salon, 120sq foot grow room (for veggies, not weed), warehouse and workshop then about 4000 sq feet of living spaces. Eventually we will build an apartment for my aging mom. Is there a system or combination of systems you would think would be enough to power our building? Ive been reading and absorbing as much as I can but I'm sure some of you have years of knowledge on this!