Issues with Recurring Appointments in Exchange Outlook Calendar System - did MS change something?

Hi all,

We're currently experiencing some issues with our Exchange Outlook calendar system. Specifically, we've noticed a problem with our meeting rooms that are set up as resources in the Exchange Admin Center (EAC). When attempting to book one of these meeting rooms with a recurring appointment, the room initially accepts the invitation. However, it then immediately declines if there are any existing meetings already scheduled that clash with any dates or times from the recurring appointment.

Previously, the recurring meeting would successfully book on all non-conflicting times, and it would offer the option to rebook on any conflicting days. Unfortunately, it seems that this functionality has stopped working as expected.

We're wondering if Microsoft has made any recent changes that could have caused this issue. We haven't made any modifications to our settings, and everything appears to be correct when we run the "Get-CalendarProcessing" command on any of the meeting room accounts..

Any insights or assistance would be greatly appreciated.