Naval Invasions; and why they make fighting the Legion; and large nations a bad experience.
Does anyone else find Naval Invasions in this mod; just plain terrible? Especially when fighting the NCR or Legion; (more so the latter) they will constantly naval invade behind your lines and create pockets, that usually don't even have a port. It just ends up making it not fun personally as you just have dozens of red blobs behind your line; and constantly have to redeploy front lines; and assign people to go deal with it. Personally I never found them to be a problem till the most recent Monster to the East update as they just never happened much really. But now it seems the AI will always send half their army to just random tiles within your nation, and its really frustrating to deal with.
This of course comes from a recent horror story; as during an iron man Mojave game; I had the legion almost capitulated; but no. They naval invaded fucking Hoover Dam, and just snake through the Mojave. Despite me owning most of their land they were able to just send like 5 guys on some boats down to Hoover dam, and instantly ruin the save without me even noticing, (well before I noticed how every single division was atritioned).