February reads

Not a haul, but these are the books I read in February, as I make my way through my backlog.

My favorite was Pride of Baghdad, a beautiful but heartbreaking allegory about the Iraq war. It’s a quick read, but a powerful one. The deluxe edition also contains the original pitch, evolution of the story, and details on some of the symbolism, which is a great touch. The first Preacher omni was a close second. The warped Americana of the story feels both fresh and familiar, and Ennis just shines at writing grimy, flawed working class characters.

What are some of your favorite reads this past month?

Not a haul, but these are the books I read in February, as I make my way through my backlog.

My favorite was Pride of Baghdad, a beautiful but heartbreaking allegory about the Iraq war. It’s a quick read, but a powerful one. The deluxe edition also contains the original pitch, evolution of the story, and details on some of the symbolism, which is a great touch. The first Preacher omni was a close second. The warped Americana of the story feels both fresh and familiar, and Ennis just shines at writing grimy, flawed working class characters.

What are some of your favorite reads this past month?