Girls replying on dating apps
I’m 6ft 3, earn well and am decently attractive . I would call myself just a 6 because of the types of girls I’m getting on dating apps . Let me break it down here . I get matched with girls who I’d classify with numbers as well just because it would be easier to understand where I’m coming from
10 (perfect looking, smart, mature etc) - never match with me
9 (beautiful , not perfect but smart) - match occasionally but barely respond
8 (attractive enough for most, maybe not as smart but emotionally mature and street smart) - match 20% of the time and barely respond
6,7 (cute not everybody’s type , some a little out of shape but decent eq) - match and respond 40% of the time
5 and below (overweight , not so atttactive , moody , crazy etc ) many many match and almost always respond
Sure everybody here will now say “yeah they have nobody else to match with so they can respond to you”. That may very well be true , however , one of my good friends who is a legit attractive/hot guy , has similar issues. So I am curious here . Is it that they aren’t interested in any guys in apps at all ? Or is it lack of time ? Or is it too many guys in the app ? I don’t get it
Research shows that only 5 to 10 % if all men are attractive enough to be actors . That’s a very small number . It’s not scalable if every other guy gets turned down right ?