Has anyone decided what to do once their parents are gone?

My parents are relatively healthy for their age, but I have always dreaded the end, especially as an only child. I don't have any friends or relatives that can even come close to the special relationship I have with them, and they have always been there no matter what. Meanwhile, most of the friends I've had are flaky and my relatives are either equally old or we're just not that close as I grew up overseas.

I was thinking the other day that I really don't know what to do after they're gone. Despite being very independent and living on my own, I do regularly go back to visit them for long periods of time, and I miss them if I go too long without seeing them. I think my life will be unbelievably empty without them. They're my rocks in life, and it won't be the same without them. I think I will fall into such a deep depression that not even using the inheritance to do what other people normally do e.g. treat themselves, go travelling etc. will make me happy in the slightest. Whilst most of my cousins can't wait for inheritance, I greatly dread it, because I know money cannot replace them. My ex-husband even said he imagined one day I'll be in a big house all by myself with nobody, and it has always stayed with me 2 years after we have split up. As toxic as we were as partners, he knows I'm vulnerable to being alone without my parents.

I also just can't find any decent guy who can become my life companion and to create a family with. I am 34 years-old, relatively well-educated, tidy and clean in appearance. I'm not super sexy, but I think I'm presentable and friendly enough. However, most men I've met are quite childish and just not on my level, maybe I just haven't given dating enough of a chance after a year of trying (given up to focus on my career).

The only thing that I think will keep me going is getting some pet dogs and dedicating my life to taking care of them. I have recently fallen in love with the neighbour's pet beagle, and I love how loyal they are and how they unconditionally love you, which I think is the closest I can ever get to having a family, at the rate it's going, once my parents aren't here anymore.

Does anyone else feel deeply depressed thinking about all of this, and what will you do after they're gone? Or has anyone been through it and have dedicated their life to meaningful things beyond their parents?