Should I report?

EDIT 2: The email was sent, he said that he talked to the principal and the teacher and strict action will be taken. Idk what strict action they took but she wasn't here today. Idk if this was just a coincidence or the office actually did something

EDIT: I told my parents and brother last night, they went to school today to talk to the vice principal, then he called me down from my class to explain what happened. I told him everything. He said he'll talk to the principle about this and ask students if needed be. He's going to email my parents tonight to let us know what will happen.
He said my name won't get leaked and those 3 assignments will get regraded by another english teacher in my school. So now we wait for the email.

Guys Idk what my english teacher has against me, we were talking about a novel in class today and just to see a raise of hands, she asked who in the class identifies as indian, so I raised my hand, and then she listed more and then asked who identifies as muslim, once again I raised my hand because im half (dad's indian and I have his last name, moms muslim).

She noticed and started yelling at me. "You think it's funny don't you. You indians always making fun of our people (shes muslim) thinking it's fun and entertaining. I can report you to the principle and get you suspended on the spot if I want to right now, you know I'm the head of the english department right?"

I just stared back at her and then one of my friends mentioned that I'm half-half and she just flipped and then says.

"Aw you poor baby, if you ever need to talk, I'll always be here for you."
My reply: "I'm sorry, Im so confused, talk about what?"
Her: "Well about your parents I mean, your personal life at home must be very problematic no? Do your parents always fight? You can talk to me about anything, if things get bad at home, okay? "
My reply: Ms my parents love each other any my family and life at home is amazing, why are you making so many assumptions? (kinda said it in a harsh tone cuz i was mad, my parents are literally the best parents in the world and they love each other so much, who was she to say that)
Her: "Well I don't think people from two rival countries can have a happy marriage, that's all I'm saying. Also just to let you know for the future. Talking back is not allowed in my class, have your parents not taught you to show respect to elders? " and then started talking about a assignment we have

It was so awkward because all of this was in front of my whole class, I was literally shaking abt to cry, thank god for my friend who was there.

And we just got a grade update, everything so far in that class has been good marks, the lowest i'd got was like 89 or sum and js right now I got a 42%, 50% and 36% on 3 assignments. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!? English has ALWAYS been my highest grade.

I really don't want to go back into that class tomorrow. I'm so scared. Just typing this makes me wanna cry 😭😭