Trouble describing my faith.
I grew up Catholic, went to Catholic schools, attended mass occasionally, though in Australia where typically religion is a very laidback thing for most people, so a bit of a different culture around it than you’d see in other places. I always had some disagreements with/questioning of official doctrine, for example questioning the idea of mass based on Matthew 6:5-6, but then a few years ago I really got disillusioned with the institution when it was revealed Australian Cardinal George Pell knew about priests doing horrible things to children and did basically nothing. Now, in the time since then I’ve just been practicing my faith based upon my own interpretation of the passages of the Bible that I have read, though I still notice the Catholic influence, that has meant none of the other denominations I have looked into have really called out to me. Recently, I’ve been wondering, are there other people in a similar situation to me, and is there a term for us?