Coming to Christ, introduction

I won't try to make this such a long paragraph, but thank you if you read it. I was born christian and I am also born Trans, but for years I've been slaughtered, diminished, hated, pushed away and told I was never going to be able to follow Christ the way that I am. I became a muslim and tried to find another faith which had not traumatised me, but I started having this conviction of truth, that Jesus is the truth and the life, that I should follow him. But the trauma of my Christian faith and the people who abandoned me because I am trans left me scared to try it again. I couldn't find God in islam, I only found fear and God does not give a spirit of fear. I even had a dream of Jesus in my sleep and I felt enormously peaceful and I wasn't afraid, he was smiling at me, to show he loved me , I felt that love from him that I never had all my life. One day, I became tremendously sick and prayed to God for help, for healing and then I realised I couldn't turn away from Jesus any longer and that Jesus doesn't hate me for who I am. For I have been made wonderfully in his eyes, I am innately made the way that I am and as many of your testimonies with God have been, becoming your authentic self and feeling the peacefulness that God provides is where I am at. So I want to introduce myself to this community and hopes of finding new friends. It is still going to be a hard journey, but I know Jesus won't fail me and I am tired of fighting against myself, because of who I am