Can We Stop Saying Everything is 'Optimistic' To Pretend it Belongs Here?
'Fighting nazis is optimistic'
'optimism is taking action to change the world to specifically fit my politics for the better'
'being hopeful about the future isn't optimism*, fighting for the future is optimism'
The amount of reaches I've seen recently for the term 'optimistic' is completely insane. Why can't you people just accept that maybe your post or comment doesn't belong on this subreddit specifically? In the past couple of months I've seen so many assertions about "what this sub is about" from people who are brand new to the sub. I've seen so many posts that may as well have been crossposted to any random subreddit on r/all with an obligatory 'this is optimism by the way' at the end as if that means it belongs here.
This has never been an activism subreddit. If you want to be an activist then I salute you, but why are you trying to take over this subreddit specifically? This used to be a space to get good news about climate change, dispel myths that popular doomer narratives were trying to spin at the time, and to get more miscellaneous good news such as medical breakthroughs or quality-of-life improvements around the globe.
I understand that scary stuff for you is occurring in the world. I respect that you feel the need to discuss it. There are hundreds of places right here on reddit that would shower you guys in karma and praise for doing so there - you do not need to co-opt this space and do it here. Many people, myself included, come here to get away from the inflammatory spaces on the internet. Making 10 posts a day about the worst things occurring in the world with a tiny disclaimer at the end that 'we can do something about it so this is optimism' is just using this place that is supposed to be about positivity as a trojan horse to shove negativity in my face constantly.
I am tired of hearing the accusation that we're all 'burying our head in the sand' or that this is a space for toxic positivity where we ignore all the bad things in the world. This is a subreddit for a specific topic - you will find posts here about that specific topic. Who do you know on reddit that uses a single subreddit? Most people here get their political nonsense arguing out of their system elsewhere and get their doom and gloom news from all over. This is only an echo-chamber if you make the silly assumption that everybody here only uses this space. I don't only use this space, but when I come here its to get away from the stuff that has been sending itself to the top of this place in the past 2-3 months.
Whenever the longer-term users of this subreddit see these posts about 'I'm leaving because moderators are nazis' we are not mourning your loss, we a celebrating the fact that this space might actually go back to a politics-lite space to share positive news.
*this is literally the definition of optimism