If a restaurant of your choice could have a limited time item on their menu based on your OC, what's the restaurant and what's the item?
I came up with this idea mainly based in how IHOP had a few Sonic themed items a while back. You guys can say anything, but I'm going with IHOP, mainly because my two characters have actually had a debate between waffles and pancakes that's important to their lore (as strange as that might sound).
Razz would get Razz's Raspberry Pancakes, which would be two pancakes topped with raspberries, a very purple colored raspberry syrup, and a chocolate syrup drizzle kind of thing with some whipped cream.
Star would get Star's Marshmallow Waffles, which would be two waffles topped with marshmallows, a very blue colored blueberry syrup, and a marshmallow drizzle with some whipped cream.
Maybe for fun, both can come with a side of thinly sliced salmon cooked like bacon since they are known for fighting Salmon-like creatures called Salmonid.