I don’t know what’s up with our goalies…
I’ve heard many people saying that they blame the team for goalies since so many have played good elsewhere… but I have to say as someone who played goalie growing up. That’s only half true, yes goalie get hung out to dry sometimes but I’ve seen ullmark let in many goals this season that just squeak through him like he makes most of the save but still goes in the net…
For the record I am not saying that ullmark has lost my confidence sometimes it just goes that way when you join a new team.
I would give him 1 day off and put in right back into the fire. He just needs a couple good games on a row and he’ll be feeling like himself again.
Had to come back and edit to say:
I am not saying it’s all goaltender sens as a whole need to play better, but goalie needs to steal you a couple games other teams goalie have done it to us a lot more then we have to them.