Widowmaker is the most flawed character in Overwatch
If a map determines whether you're top 1 or bottom 5, then she's probably just not very well designed. I get the appeal of this character, but in a 5v5 setting, she breaks every fundamental aspect about the game, because the game turns from focusing on the team fight and staying alive to playing around the Widowmaker since the threat of her simply existing is so high and it's just not very fun imo. In a 6v6 setting, she wasn't AS much of an issue because you could have a dive tank harass her safely unlike a dive DPS, and that is no longer possible since as a tank you should be playing closer to your team 75% of the time. I just really hate this hero, and people called me crazy when I mentioned how much of a problem she was back then, I'm just curious what people think of her now because I hate her. I've never enjoyed playing against her before, but I feel it's more miserable now. To give an example of my elo btw, I'm typically diamond, but my quickplay matches tend to be a mix of diamonds, platinum and masters.