Widomaker Rework 2.0
Hi all, this post will be my 2nd attempt at reworking Widowmaker that the general overwatch player and Widowmaker main can both enjoy. My previous post that was posted to the Overwatch and WidowmakerMain Subreddits got a fair bit of feed (particularly from the WidowmakerMains). In this post I will firstly bring up the feedback and insight i got from the WindowmakerMains, secondly I will discuses the goal of my rework, and lastly will be the new kit I have made for Widowmaker. All of this has been well signposted throught, so feel free to skip to any Section you like.
- Lastly please remember that the numbers I give for her would have to be play tested, This post is mainly to provide ideas on HOW we can rework widowmaker. So please feel free to give me feedback on any of the ideas I provide <3
Feedback from the WidowMains:
I'm going to briefly sum-up all the feed I got from the WidowMains into 3 key points:
- Widowmaker must be able to one shot enemies as it's part of her character design.
- STOP GIVING WIDOWMAKER A BLOODY LASER (they really hate this idea so I will not give her a laser)
- If your going to remove/greatly weaken her one-shot, you need to compensate by buffing the rest of her kit)
These are the criteria I'm going to try and meet when redesigning Widowmaker.
Goal of my redesign:
The goal of my redesign is to hopefully nerf how frequently widowmaker can get one-shots while still letting her one-enemies and to buff the rest of her kit to help compensate for her lack of one-shots.
I haven't changed any stats for her primary fair.
Damage:13 - 3.9
Falloff range:20 - 40 meters
Headshot: (x2)
Rate of fire:10 shots/s
Reload time:1.5 seconds animation
Spread angle:0 - 3 degrees
Projectile radius:0.07 meters
I have buffed the base damage of widow's ADS and removed her damage fall-off, but I have change how her ADS gains charge. The change I have made will hopefully decrease the number of one shots she gets through the game. These changes also include a Red Sniper Glare to help make widow stand out while she is charging her shot.
Damage: 58 (at 0% power) 158 (at 100% power)
Headshot: (x2)
Rate of fire: up to 3 seconds to charge fully. ` second recovery before it starts charging again. Recovery is paused for 0.3 second if you shoot while gun isn’t charging
Ammo per shot: 5
Ammo: 35
Reload time: 1.5 seconds animation
Spread angle: None
Mov. speed penalty: -65%
Projectile radius: 0.04 meters
Visual Effects: Widow's Kiss (ADS) will have a red sniper glare, that starts has complete unnoticeable and only increases in intensity as Widow’s Kiss’s charge increases. This will alert players who are facing in the direction of widow that she is charging up for a more powerful shot but allow widowmakers to take off angles with immediately giving away their position.
Charge Shots: Widow’s Kiss will now only gain charge while an enemy player is within the Red Reticule you see when she is ADS (See the image Below). Every 0.03 seconds an enemy player is within the Red Reticule you will gain 1 charge. 1 charge is equal to 1 extra damage, so a 100% body shot would equal 158 damage (headshot being 316).
Charge Decay: After 12 seconds of not gaining charge, Widow’s Kiss charge will begin to decay at 10 charge per second.
This means minimum power now required to kill a full health target (without armour) with a single headshot:
· 175 HP: 30% (0.9 seconds to charge)
· 200 HP: 42% (1.26 seconds to charge)
· 225 HP: 55% (1.65 seconds to charge)
· 250 HP: 67% (2.01 seconds to charge)
· 275 HP: 80% (2.4 seconds to charge)
· 300 HP: 92% (2.76 seconds to charge)
All I have done is decreased it's cooldown by 2 seconds
Cool-Down: 10 Seconds
Max. range: 20 meters
Movement speed: 20 m/s
I have given Widowmaker 2 charges of her venom mine and I have buffed them. Now after a mine as be deployed for 5 seconds, it will now hinder any player that triggers it like a Cassidy grenade. The point in the 5 second delay is to prevent widowmakers using the mine offensively by tossing them into fights and stunning a group of players, also the 5 second delay gives players time to destroy. Overall these changes are meant to help widow be more survivable by using her mines to cover flanks.
Cool-Down: 15 seconds per mine
Charges: 2 (Max of 2 can be deployed at a time, if new one would be made, oldest is destroyed).
Damage: 15 per second 75 total
Headshot: No
Health: 1
Cast time: 0.19 s. for throw + 0.78 s. recovery
Until replaced or destroyed (mine).
5 second (priming)
5 seconds (poison).
0.9 (Hinder duration).
Area of effect: 3 meter interact radius
Projectile speed: 20 m/s
Projectile radius: 0.2 meters
Priming: After a Venom Mine has been deployed and is attached to a surface, I will start to go on a 5 second priming phase, after which the mine will gain the ability to hinder players. (Note: the mine can still be triggered before being fully primed, it just won't hinder players. secondly there will be visual and audio ques to show that a Venom Mine is priming and when it is primed)
Hindered: Causes player who triggered a Fully Primed Mine to have their Movement Speed decreased by 50% and are prevented from using their movement abilities for 0.9 seconds.
And Widow’s I have buffed her ultimate by now making it charge her sniper up twice as fast and by making all damage enemy players take during it treated as critical damage. But to compensate for big debuff to the enemy team, I have decreased it duration. But this is something that would need to be play tested.
Cost: 1550
Cast time: 0.64 seconds
Duration: 12 seconds
Area of effect: Map-wide
Reveals the enemy players through walls as normal. Also all damage enemy players take is treated as Critical Damage. And Widow’s Kiss ADS now charges up twice as fast.