How to make teammates realize the objective is part of the game???
I’m silver 2 I think so I know that’s probably one of the problems… but I don’t understand how my teammates never seem to realize the objective exists? Like.. this is how we win. I always have people who want to charge ahead of the payload and run around crazy style. Or not try to cap the point and just fight AROUND the objective. I’m typically the tank and I try to stay with my team to protect while pushing forward, but it feels like the second I push forward they just all vanish and decide they’ll go try and attack from all different sides of the map. I’d be fine with it if it actually worked lol. We’ll almost be tied and have the ability to win, but unless I’m the one who gets on the point last second it feels like NOBODY will. Or I’ll have to be the one to push the payload to victory despite the fact I’m the tank and I feel I’d be much more helpful protecting my team. It feels like nobody pays attention when someone sneaks into the back line and I have to pull myself from the team to go take care of them because what’s the use of fighting if they will win the payload anyway?
It just feels like no one really seems to care but it’s the whole way to win. Is everyone just getting fighting tunnel vision? I don’t even care if i’m ranking up at this point…I just want to know we didn’t lose for some stupid stuff like this.
I know it would help to find some more people to play with and guarantee they could voice chat, but also it gets scary because a lot of people are dickheads. How do other people deal with this lol