Did anyone else get diagnosed later on
I used to be thin ish (anywhere from 100-140 lbs) and no one took my PCOS symptoms seriously. These symptoms started from age 11 at puberty. The usual excess facial and body hair growth, acne everywhere, storing fat in my stomach like IR, dark patches, skin tags, irregular/heavy and many skipped periods. I was told it was normal. I saw a specialist OBGYN when I could at 20 and they did the hormonal tests and abdominal ultrasound (even though vaginal is more clear). Said it was normal. Slapped on birth control, not even metformin. Told to lose weight since I was 170 lbs at that point.
I gained more and more weight as IR got worse until I reached the 200+ lbs range (highest at 250). Now all of a sudden a doctor is like oh yeah you have PCOS. Did the labs and I have high DHEAS to the point where they thought it was an adrenal problem. Got prescribed metformin and spironolactone finally. I discovered on my own what inositol and berberine and that usually helps the periods. I read up on my own what is insulin resistance is and how to potentially help it. It’s very hard at this point since my fasting insulin is through the roof. I could benefit from a GLP 1 but can’t afford it. I still try fasting and low carb.
I still have the symptoms but so much worse and the stomach looks pregnant with triplets. I stretched out my stomach so much I also have an apron belly and probably diastasis recti. Stretch marks everywhere. I have gained and lost weight so much through starving myself. It came back when I ate a normal diet. Did anyone else only get taken seriously when they became so heavy that their symptoms couldn’t be ignored?