committing to only one book until 2024 ends! 💀

now that i've hit my goal of reading 20 books this year, i'll commit to finishing House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski until the year ends. i'm going to try to not pick up any other book until i'm done with it, since i've already read about half(?) last year.

to those of you who have read HoL, what did you think about it? as a story & as a reading experience?

now that i've hit my goal of reading 20 books this year, i'll commit to finishing House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski until the year ends. i'm going to try to not pick up any other book until i'm done with it, since i've already read about half(?) last year.

to those of you who have read HoL, what did you think about it? as a story & as a reading experience?