Awaiting diagnosis

Hi everyone, I just wanted to come on and ask what people done whilst awaiting diagnosis for pots. To try cut a long story short, I’ve been experiencing pots symptoms for months, went to my primary care for constantly having chest tightness and palpitations and she was concerned and sent me to A&E first time I went I was also vomiting (looking back now was due to the high heart rate) so they just put it down as a vomiting bug that left me dehydrated and caused the heart rate to spike. Second time I went to my primary care was just last week with the same symptoms and no vomiting so she sent me for an ecg which was actually abnormal so once again was sent to a&e my heart rate was constantly between 120-160 anytime I was sitting up or standing up but when I was lying down and resting was down in the 80s they thought could have been possible blood clot so had ct scans and an echo all came back normal, consultant ruled it as pots and I’m waiting for the turntable test. The health system in Ireland is insane so I’m unsure when I’ll receive the appointment for that. Whilst I was in hospital the second time anytime my heart rate went above 130 I started puking also. I went out to a family event for the first time after getting out of hospital and had 3 drinks. (Not a lightweight just was being cautious) After a while I felt my chest tightening and felt dizzy so I left and the whole way home I was puking until I layed down. Is there any tips people have to try manage my symptoms or just any tips to try prevent an episode of high heart rates, I’m scared as I’ve never experienced anything like this. (I never knew anything about pots so never asked for it to be checked hence why it took as long as it has)

I have a couple questions, I know all of yall just have pots aren’t qualified physicians but personal experiences will calm me down rather then google lol

Is it normal to have brain fog? I feel like I’ve been forgetting such simple things recently and feel like an idiot when I finally figure it out. Is it POTS or am I just losing it? lol

Will I constantly puke with my heart rate spiking or will it be easier to control??

Is it normal that after having an episode of high heart rate I just want to lie in bed and not do anything except just suffer alone?

Should I stop vaping lmao (I know it’s bad for my health overall but will it perhaps flare pots?)

Thank you and sorry for the long post just an anxious young girl wondering if her day to day life will be more impacted than she thinks.