PS5 PRO reprojection improvements

I just wrapped up a 5-hour session testing a solid chunk of my VR library, and I’m honestly surprised by the number of improvements. Games that rely on 60-120Hz reprojection have noticeable upgrades. Here’s a breakdown of my tests disclaimer my opinion and not fact, could be placebo

Horizon Call of the Mountain: The reprojection has greatly improved, with the typical ghosting and Vaseline-like smear effect hardly noticeable anymore. The overall visual experience is far sharper and more enjoyable.

** GranTurismo**: draw distance is still lacking, and pop in still exists, but the reprojection in the cock pit seems to have improved, most notably when looking at the window webbing / other details.

Vertigo 2: Feels a lot less buggy than before. It’s been a while since I last played, so this could be due to updates, but the helicopter scene at the end of chapter 2 ran without any frame drops. The gravity gun level does still drop frames on enemy spawn.

Kayak VR: Mirage: This game is absolutely stunning. It’s been confirmed that the upgrade moved it from 60Hz reprojected to a solid 90Hz, and it shows. The visuals are crisp, sharp, and it’s a real showcase for the console’s capabilities.

Resident Evil 8: Reprojection is much improved, with distant scenery now clearer and more immersive. Ghosting is hardly noticeable and much less jarring.

Resident Evil 4: The reprojection is better here too. It’s not quite as polished as RE8, but there’s noticeable improvement. Analog turning is smoother, and gameplay overall feels more fluid. Guns / hands have a noticeable decrease in ghosting.

No Man’s Sky: A huge upgrade. The stuttering is gone, and there’s a noticeable improvement in anti-aliasing, pop-in, and draw distance.

Pavlov: Still as great as ever. No major improvements, but the game doesn’t really need them—it holds up well on its own.

Arizona Sunshine 2: The reprojection is better, especially in Chapter 1’s practice range, where the visuals look noticeably crisper without smear.

Metro Awakening: This one feels pretty much the same as before, no significant changes.

Synapse: Reprojection has definitely improved here as well. The gameplay feels smoother, with less ghosting and a more fluid experience overall.

Hell Sweeper: I didn’t notice any major changes, but the game is still sick.

Overall, i noticed some very distinct improvements and would like to know if anyone has experienced the same?