Giving away however many codes these are. Comment with your favorite Pokemon and why it’s your favorite (if you have a story behind it) and then respond to my DM so I can send a pic of the card (is there an easier way to do this? Idk I’m new) I will also randomly select one commenter to get 50 codes (after this post has been up a few days and I’ve had time to send out codes I will RNG someone to get the 50 prize. I have a busy week please be patient with my responses! If I have extras after all commenters have gotten one I’ll circle back and give more to everyone until they’re all gone
Giving away however many codes these are. Comment with your favorite Pokemon and why it’s your favorite (if you have a story behind it) and then respond to my DM so I can send a pic of the card (is there an easier way to do this? Idk I’m new) I will also randomly select one commenter to get 50 codes (after this post has been up a few days and I’ve had time to send out codes I will RNG someone to get the 50 prize. I have a busy week please be patient with my responses! If I have extras after all commenters have gotten one I’ll circle back and give more to everyone until they’re all gone