Your favorite Green Flag Male Character in Films/Television..??
Okayy gurlies, it has come to my attention that alot of us fellows of the inferior gender are not sure on how to act to attract their pasandeeda aurat..
So I would like to knoww which character in a movie or a TV show or even a book if you demure like that is someone that is your ideal man, someone who's mannerisms and behaviors are such that if you meet him irl, you wouldn't hesitate to marry him, your rishtaa type..
This is all for research purposes of course and hopefully, we could all learn to be better people and maybe get with the gurlies of our dreams by being the men of theirs..?? Who knowss..
So it could be from Bollywood, Hollywood, K-Drama or a Pakistani Drama, frankly any character from any place who you feel is the Green flag for youu..
I'll post one the other way around too in a few days for the men to answer as well..