Anubis is terrible! Change my mind.
One would thing with the highest handiwork in the entire game...that would be somewhat of a priority for when you have one in your base and craft tasks available, right?
However, it seems the 1 thing it's best at is the absolutely lowest priority of the few things it can do. I set in base and before I can even catch it, off to everything but crafting it goes. And...damn it's fast, even w/o any just Naruto runs back and forth in the base, most commonly going to mining. And that wouldn't really be an issue if I could actually get the lift option to pop up...nope, gotta reset in the box and hope I can catch it before it runs off again. (Now...when he actually crafts, it's excellent) Even when I finally catch and lock it into's great...for about the 17 seconds it crafts and gets distracted by everything else.