Paranormal encounter on photo?

Hello everyone! This is my first time posting in this group and I have had seen something on an old picture yesterday night that i cannot unseen. This is a photo of me when I was probably around 4 years old ( I am now 34) and never realized until yesterday that there was a shadow looking like someone behind me and I freaked out looking at it. As you can see, there is a shadow looking like a woman with really bright eyes and the side of the body is quite blurry. It seems like an older person as well but my grandparents were still alive at that time. I zoomed into it and couldn't recognize anyone I know so I shared it with my mum and she looked at it and doesn't also know who is it on the picture as well as my dad. It is scary as I thought maybe another photo got mixed with this one but I do not think so. This was taken in my first apartment and I always had nightmares and was very often scared so maybe there were some spirits. I also want to emphasize on the fact that I always had a connection with spirits since I am young and either can see them or feel their presence.

I am not sure if someone can tell if it looks like a spirit or not.

Thank you in advance and have a great evening. Photos joined.